The Reform Temple of Forest Hills brings individuals and families together to celebrate, learn, grow, and connect. We welcome you!
Community – Connections are cultivated. We celebrate the uniqueness of each member, recognizing that our collective strength is found in the multitude of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that make up our diverse community.
Spirituality – From lively Shabbat services filled with joyous melodies to spirited celebrations of life cycle events, our community is a living expression of the joy that stems from our shared commitment to Reform Judaism.
Learning – At RTFH, learning is a lifelong experience. We connect and form friendships with our fellow learners, creating a supportive network within the larger Temple community. We engage with Jewish teachings and traditions through educational programs, Jewish texts, discussions on current events, and hands-on activities.
Social Action – Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world, is a fundamental and cherished principle in Reform Judaism. We’re committed to making the world a better place, through acts of loving-kindness, equity, and social responsibility.
RTFH is committed to ensuring that our environment is welcoming, safe, equitable, and inclusive. We have responded to the URJ’s call to craft and adopt a Code of Ethics to ensure that we create a culture that prioritizes safety and accountability.
The Reform Temple of Forest Hills (RTFH) is an inclusive Jewish community where all congregants matter, are inspired to action through Jewish values, and experience Judaism in a meaningful way. RTFH is a vibrant congregation guided by tradition, grounded in the modern world, and infused with the sacred values of our faith.
RTFH is an inclusive congregation that demonstrates respect for the needs of all to feel safe and respected and responsible for one another. In all interactions, our congregation members should assume the best intentions and act with respect toward each other.
This Code of Ethics reflects our Jewish principles of K’dushah (Holiness), Yosher (Honesty), Kavod (Honor), Rachamim (Compassion) and Tzedek (Justice). The Code of Ethics sets forth expectations for adherence to standards of conduct for our clergy, congregants, volunteers, staff, visitors, and guests whether participating in an RTFH activity that is in this building, online or offsite.
We commit to providing a community where all are welcome to worship and participate in congregational activities and programs, where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and where everyone can feel a deep sense of comfort and belonging.
To ensure that RTFH is a safe, welcoming, and sacred environment, we strive to hold ourselves to the following standards:
By committing to our RTFH community each of us pledges to further our respectful, safe, welcoming, and inclusive congregation.
Our Clergy, Temple President and Board members are available to address congregant concerns.