Temple membership offers many heartfelt rewards, including a strong sense of belonging within our supportive community, opportunities for spiritual and intellectual growth as a Jew, and the chance to foster meaningful connections with people who share your values. Joining our Temple enriches not only your personal journey, but also strengthens our Temple family and the Reform movement.
Membership benefits include:
Clergy guidance and officiation for all life cycle events
Dedicated pastoral care from our Rabbi and Cantor
Complimentary High Holiday tickets
Eligibility to enroll children in Religious School, Grades Pre-K-7 (additional fees apply)
B’nai Mitzvah preparation (additional fees apply)
Invitation to join our Women’s Connection and Men’s Study groups
Access to weekly virtual Torah Study and Meditation sessions
Access to Adult Education classes and programs
Opportunity to engage in Temple Committees and serve in Temple Leadership
Discounted admission for programs and activities for all ages
Discounted fees and priority booking to rent facility spaces
A subscription to Connections Weekly, our weekly email which includes pastoral inspiration and details of our many Temple happenings
Eligibility to acquire discounted cemetery space within dedicated RTFH sections of the New Montefiore Cemetery and Beth Moses Cemetery on Long Island