The Reform Temple of Forest Hills

Adult Education

We’re dedicated to lifelong learning at RTFH. We offer opportunities each week for adults to discover, explore, and deepen their connection to Judaism and our community.

Torah Study

Enrich every Saturday morning at 9:00 am with Jewish history and text as we continue our fascinating, fun, and unpredictable study together online. Join any time. No previous reading or knowledge needed.

Men’s Study

Join Men’s Study with Rabbi Kaiserman for a fun, social, and interesting monthly discussion of the issues of the day and topics that you never covered in Religious School.

Women’s Connection

Join our friendly and caring community of women at monthly meetings where learning sessions and thoughtful discussions inspire personal and spiritual growth and connection.

Adult Education

The Adult Education Committee offers engaging programs about culture, history, and current events for our Temple family to enjoy. The breadth of topics is as wide as our congregant’s interests, from lively discussions about Jewish sports heroes to presentations by local governmental officials discussing timely issues. We enjoy educational, fun, and religious tops of interest and welcome your ideas and participation.

Join us for our year-long Adult Ed. classes connected to Torah

Adult B’nai Mitzvah

RTFH intermittently offers an Adult B’nai Mitzvah class for those who looking to celebrate this milestone later in life. We offer members who didn’t have the opportunity to become B’nai Mitzvah at age 13 an opportunity to bond together as they learn to read Hebrew prayers and blessings, study Torah, do a communal mitzvah project, and ultimately share a parashah and their Jewish journeys with our Temple family. There’s a Mazel Tov cake to celebrate at oneg!


People choose Judaism for many reasons! For thousands of years, our communities have been expanded and strengthened by those who go through the conversion process. At RTFH, conversion follows a period of preparation that lasts about a year. During this time, the student learns about Judaism and participates in synagogue life, becoming more familiar with Jewish traditions, rituals, and Torah. The conversion process culminates in a beit din, mikvah immersion, and a clergy blessing on the bimah at a Shabbat service as you’re embraced by our Temple community, followed by a celebratory oneg.